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Snow College Manufactures N95 Masks

Snow College’s Manufacturing Technology Program makes N95 masks for local health care community

Snow College’s Manufacturing Technology program, housed on the Richfield campus, has partnered with Sevier County Emergency Medical Officials to help make N95 masks through 3D printers and fibers from carbon composites.

The production time is currently six hours for eight masks, but the school is working with Sevier County EMS and local dentists to produce a mold. Dr. Richard Barnett of Richfield has been particularly instrumental in the mold design and approval process. Once a mold is successfully produced, the school will be able to produce one mask every ten minutes.

In a virtual town hall meeting on Wednesday, President Bradley J. Cook told the Snow College community about the project. “We want to do everything we can to be good neighbors and good partners with our health care community in fighting this pandemic. I am extremely proud of our Manufacturing Technology program for their work in making N95 masks. Snow College is committed to continue to look for ways we can help in our local communities.”

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