

In 2013 the Utah Legislature provided $1 million in one-time funds to incent Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) institutions to meet specific performance metrics 帮助完成大学学业.  These metrics were subsequently adopted by the Board of Regents, and funding was awarded to institutions based on their performance on 指标.  Similarly, in 2014, the Legislature provided $1.一次性500万 money for performance funding. In 2015, the Board of Regents established performance metrics for a portion of the new funds appropriated to the Utah System of Higher Education (见 SB232). These metrics were areas related to degrees and certificates granted, services provided to underserved populations, responsiveness to workforce needs, and graduation 效率. 2021年, 绩效资助模式 was revised to emphasis annual goals and five-year goal achievement in the areas/metrics of Access, Timely Completion, and High Yield Awards. Each metric area consists of measures for (A) all 学生 and (B) underrepresented 学生. USHE 性能指标 Updated Document

  • 访问指标: Increase the college-going rate of high school graduates by 10% by 2030.
    The Access metric looks at the three-year college-going rate of Utah high school graduates. The graduates from the Utah State Board of Education high school graduation cohort from three years’ previous to the metric year are matched to the National Student Clearinghouse and then to the USHE Technical college data warehouse to identify student enrollments in post-secondary education after high school graduation.
    • 访问度量A部分: All 学生 are included as college-going if they have an enrollment at any postsecondary education institution within three years of their high school graduation cohort. 学生 count as part of an institution’s share of the cohort if it is the first institution the student attended after high school graduation.
    • 访问标准B部分: Underrepresented 学生 for the Access metric are those graduates from the USBE high school graduation who are low income OR Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Multiracial, American Indian/Alaska Native, or Black/African American.

  • 完成指标: Increase the timely completion of degrees and certificates by 10% by 2030.
    The Timely Completion metric takes all the 学生 who enter an institution as an undergraduate degree or certificate-seeking post-secondary student for the first time in a given academic year and measures their completion status in the year of the metric. Like the IPEDS Outcome Measures metric, 学生 are part of the entering cohort in a given year whether the student is first-time in higher education or transferring 进入机构. Similar to the IPEDS Graduation Rate metrics, the year of the cohort is determined based on the predominant level of the institution (bachelor’s, 关联的证书).
    • A部分:  All 学生 count as timely completers if the length of the degree they earned was completed within 150% of time of their entering the institution.
    • 完成指标B部分: Underrepresented 学生 for the Timely Completion metric are 学生 whose race/ethnicity as classified for IPEDS is Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Multiracial, American Indian/Alaska Native, or Black/African American.

  • 高产指标: Increase the completion rate of graduates in high-demand, high wage programs by 20% by 2030
    The High-Yield Award metric examines all graduates reported by Utah higher education institutions and identifies the proportions of which that are associated with high-wage, high-demand 的职业领域 as identified by the Utah Department of Workforce Services. In performing this analysis, USHE staff examined expected educational levels associated with DWS’4-and 5-star jobs, then cross walked those jobs with certificates and degrees conferred using IPEDS award levels and CIP codes.  Consideration was given to region-specific high-wage/high-demand jobs, in addition to statewide needs.
    雪的大学’s current list of 4 and 5-star programs.
    • 高收益A部分: All graduates who earned a degree or certificate in an identified high-wage, high-demand 的职业领域.
    • 高产量B部分: Underrepresented 学生 for the High-Yield Graduates metric are graduates who are female OR Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Multiracial, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, or Black/African American.

雪的大学's annual and five-year goals are reflected in the following dashboard.  These goals are reviewed each year by the 雪的大学 President, Cabinet, and Board 受托人的.  Metric data is updated after every 3rd Week Report, End-of-Term Report, IPEDS Completion Report (October), and IPEDS Graduation Rate Report (March).