

的 following are the circumstances under which a student may qualify for resident 由学校提供的学生身份  犹他州法典第53B-8-102条等., 校董会政策R512和R513. 如果你觉得你有资格获得PG电子官方免费下载的住宿学生身份 其中一种情况,填写并签署适当的居留申请 并在学期第三周之前提交,并提供以下证据 在这种情况下.  



为了有资格被考虑为犹他州居民,申请人来犹他州是为了 就读高等教育机构的目的必须符合以下几点:

  1. 自2007年7月1日起,或此后任何时间,在犹他州连续居住12个月*
  2. Not be claimed as a dependent on the tax returns of a person who is not a resident 犹他州
  3. Take steps that establish an intent to become a resident 犹他州 (see 客观证据)
  4. 提交一个 申请居留 与 客观证据 在本学期第三周结束前

*请注意,在美国留学期间,你离境的时间不能超过29天 that 12 month period (not necessarily 29 consecutive days). 参见框架v. 居留权上诉委员会. 犹他州立大学的., 675 P.2d 1157 犹他州(1983); 校董会政策和程序R512. To prove this, you must provide bank statements for those twelve continuous months. 


如果您与犹他州居民结婚并成为犹他州居民,请提供 后: 

  1. Evidence of not being claimed as a dependent on the tax returns of a person who is 非犹他州居民; 
  2. A marriage certificate dated before the beginning of the semester;
  3. 客观证据 of your intent to become a Utah resident (see note below); 
  4. 客观证据 of your spouse's and residency; and 
  5. An 申请居留 在本学期第三周结束前

Note: 的re is no time requirement under this situation for number 3 above. 也就是说, 您不需要提供 客观证据 日期至少在学期前90天. 你只需要提供部分证据 被列为客观证据. 

住院医生实习期 Change for Permanent, Full-time Employment

一名学生谁已经来到犹他州全职永久工作,或谁是直接 来犹他州从事永久全职工作的个人的家庭成员, 可以通过提供实质性的 有证据表明,搬到犹他州的原因是出于善意,是基于雇主的要求 转移到犹他州,被犹他州雇主招聘,或与工作相关的移动 在犹他州找全职工作.

除了…之外 客观证据,则会考虑有关搬迁动机的所有相关证据; 包括但不限于以下因素:

  1. 雇员的就业和教育经历;
  2. 的 dates when Utah employment was 先考虑,先提议,先接受的;
  3. 当这个人搬到犹他州;
  4. 申请人申请入学、被录取和被录取的日期 专上学生;
  5. 申请人是否在四个月内申请入读USHE院校 从搬到犹他州之日起;
  6. 证明该人是一个独立的人(至少24岁,或不是) listed as a dependent on someone else's tax forms); and
  7. Any other factors related to abandonment of a former domicile and establishment of a new domicile in Utah for purposes other than to attend an institution of higher 教育.


父母至少有一方连续居住的受供养学生 在这学期第一天上课之前的12个月 the student is seeking resident 状态 is eligible for resident student 状态. 的 student is responsible to submit evidence of dependency and 客观证据 demonstrating that the parent has established domicile in Utah with an 申请居留.


一名学生因离婚、配偶死亡等原因居住在犹他州, 或者为学生的配偶、父母、兄弟姐妹、 or child, may rebut the presumption of nonresident 状态 by providing substantial evidence that the reason for the student’s move to Utah was, in good faith, based 关于长期医疗保健责任.

除客观证据(如上定义)外,所有与…有关的证据 the motivation for the move will be considered, including:

  1. 学生的就业和教育经历;
  2. 犹他州的长期医疗保健或儿童保育责任的日期 先考虑,先提议,先接受的;
  3. 当学生搬到犹他州时;
  4. 学生申请入学、被录取、被录取的日期 专上学生;
  5. 学生是否在四(4)之前申请了USHE院校的入学资格 从搬到犹他州之日起的几个月;
  6. evidence that the student is an independent person (i.e. 至少24岁 or not claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax returns); and
  7. any other factors related to abandonment of a former domicile and establishment of a new domicile in Utah for purposes other than to attend an USHE institution.



任何被登记在部落保留区内的印第安人 或信托土地部分或全部位于犹他州境内,或其边界在任何一点相邻 与 border 犹他州 is entitled to be granted nonresident exempt 状态. 资格, a student must provide evidence of membership in a tribe that satisfies the above 标准.


Any American Indian who is a member of a federally recognized or known Utah tribe 并且从犹他州高中毕业,就有资格获得非居民豁免 状态. A list of recognized tribes is maintained by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education and distributed to all campus residency officers.



在美国以访客、学生、 或者其他只允许在这个国家临时停留的签证,没有 打算在犹他州无限期居住的能力,因此将 归类为非居民.


Students who are aliens and who have been granted immigrant or permanent resident 在美国的地位.S. shall be classified for purposes of resident 状态 according to 同样的标准也适用于公民.

国际学生 On Asylum Or Refugee Status. 

An international student who has obtained asylum or refugee 状态 under U.S. 移民 为居民身份的目的,法律应按照同样的标准进行分类 适用于公民. To qualify for nonresident exempt 状态 under this rule, 申请人必须提供以下资料:

  1. 一份他们的INS I-94的复印件,上面应该包括以下盖章或类似的东西 “根据移民法第207条,作为难民被无限期接纳 期间”;
  2. Written confirmation from an organization responsible for placement of refugees (e.g. 犹他州天主教社区服务中心),该难民已被分配重新安置 in Utah; and
  3. 犹他州住所的证明文件,可包括但不限于两份 犹他州住所标志(定义见 户口政策).


  • 一份他们的INS I-94的复印件,上面应该包括以下盖章或类似的东西 “根据移民法第207条,作为难民被无限期接纳 期间”;
  • Indicia 犹他州 domicile (as defined above) that demonstrate the refugee’s intent to establish domicile in Utah; and
  • 要么
    • 难民在犹他州连续居住一年的证据,如果 the move was to attend a college or university in Utah; or
    • 有证据表明,他搬到犹他州的动机并不是为了上大学.


If allowed by federal law, a student, other than a nonimmigrant student within the 《PG电子官方免费下载》第8编第1101条第(a)款第(15)段的含义 State Code (see section on international students in 这一政策), shall be exempt from paying the nonresident portion of total tuition if the student:

  1. attended high school in this state for three or more years;
  2. 毕业于本州的高中或同等学历的高中 diploma in this state; and
  3. registers as an entering student at an institution of higher 教育 not earlier 比2002-03学年的秋天还要多.

除了这些要求外,学生还必须向PG电子官方免费下载提交一份宣誓书 说明学生已经提交了移民合法化申请 状态, or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.


A 就业团学生 is entitled to nonresident exempt 状态 if the student:

  1. 被录取为全日制、非全日制或暑期学校的学生 leading to a degree or certificate; and
  2. submits verification that the student is a current 就业团学生.

Upon termination of the student’s Job Corps enrollment/participation, the student shall be subject to the same residency standards applicable 致他人 under 这一政策. 的 time spent residing in Utah during the Job Corps enrollments will count towards the time period set forth in 这一政策 for resident 状态.


住在犹他州参加美国奥林匹克运动会的学生 训练计划,在犹他州的一个设施,由运动员的管理机构批准 Olympic sport, shall be immediately eligible for nonresident exempt 状态. 学生 应通过一份证明文件证明其参加了奥林匹克训练计划 letter from the United States Olympic Committee verifying eligibility.

合同终止后 of the Student's participation in such training program, the 学生应遵守与其他人相同的居住标准 根据这项政策. 的 time spent residing in Utah during the Olympic athlete training program in Utah counts toward the time period set forth in the 户口政策.


被犹他州政府社会或康复服务机构认定的人 agency to be a Utah resident for purposes of receiving state aid to attend a USHE institution is immediately eligible to apply for nonresident exempt 状态. 国家 aid must, at a minimum, cover the full cost of resident tuition. 合同终止后 在这种政府机构的支持下,个人受适用标准的约束 致他人. Any time spent residing in Utah during the time the individual received government aid shall count toward the applicable time required by 这一政策 for 建立常住学生身份.