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Committee Bylaws


持续的教师发展和对技术创新的追求是必不可少的 卓越教学的组成部分,以及在PG电子官方免费下载,教师参与和全校范围内 collaboration in these processes are equally important. Therefore, serving as an advisory 教与学中心(TLC)的附属机构,TLC委员会是一个常设小组委员会 作为教务委员会的一员,致力于协助斯诺的专业成长和进步 通过培养学术、对话和教学技术创新来培养学院教师 and pedagogy-related technology.
委员会的主要职责是管理UQI的预算,审查 休假申请,组织雪学院教学与实践会议; 并帮助计划教师发展研讨会-包括午餐聚会,部门/部门 Brown Bag discussions, and TLC Faculty Workshops.

    1. Membership

      The TLC Committee will consist of representation from the following:
      1. Faculty Development Director (Voting Member, Committee Chair)
      2. Two faculty members from each of the teaching divisions (Voting Members)
      3. One Faculty Senate representative (Voting Member)
      4. TLC Director (Voting Member)
      • 2.1: Selection of the Faculty Development Director/TLC Committee Chair

        一般来说,学院发展主任将由遴选委员会选出 由3-5名TLC委员会成员和一名学术代表组成 Affairs Office.
        在TLC委员会任职的教师有资格申请教师发展 Director position. In such an instance, the committee member will be ineligible to serve on the search committee.
        学院发展主任每学期将获得一门课程(3学分). The Faculty Development Director will serve a 3-year term.
        如果学院发展主任不能完成一个完整的学期, 委员会将选出一名临时TLC委员会主席,以最大限度地履行职责 essential duties of the committee chair (e.g. scheduling TLC Committee meetings, creating an agenda, guiding faculty workshops) until a new director can be selected.
        由于委员会对跨学科合作的承诺,学院 开发总监/TLC委员会主席的职位可以由两个学院共享 在下列情况下,委员会成员将担任联合主席:1)在面试申请人后 search committee recommends two co-directors; and 2) the top two candidates concur and are able to plan an effective way to split the director and chair duties. In this 在这种情况下,联合主任将会分开发布课程(每人获得一个3学分) course release per academic year) during their 3-year term. As TLC Committee co-chairs, they would each serve as voting members.

      • 2.2: Selection of faculty members

        每个部门将选择(要么由院长任命,要么最好是由部门选举) (如可能)两名教员代表,任期3年,可连任一次.
        虽然不是必须的,但院长们可能会尝试在可能的情况下错开选择. 委员会委员如不能完成其任期,则由委员会之院长 the division involved shall select a replacement to complete the term.
        具有教师发展和/或技术教学资格的教师 are preferred. Ideally, each division would have one faculty development representative and one technology pedagogy representative; however, these two focus points can be 在每个部门的代表中平均分配——但技术应该是常规的 component of faculty development.

      • 2.3: Selection of the Faculty Senate representative

        一名教员参议员将由参议院任命作为额外的投票 committee member and official liaison to the Senate.

      • 2.4: Selection of the TLC Director

        TLC主任将由遴选委员会选出,遴选委员会成员须来自 教务处和PG电子官方免费下载教职员工(理想情况下由代表组成) from several divisions and preferably 1-2 TLC Committee members).

    2. Duties of the Faculty Development Director/TLC Committee Chair

      Duties of the Faculty Development Director include:

      • Chair the TLC Committee
      • 在秋季和春季学期安排每月会议(以及任何其他会议) if needed) for the TLC Committee and provide an agenda
      • 记录与会者和委员会的投票结果,(如有必要,更详细) meeting minutes can be kept by a designated committee member)
        • 点名历史有时会被教务委员会或教务委员会要求 and Tenure Committee
      • 带头安排每月午餐会讨论的演讲 pedagogy, especially related to high-impact practices (HIPs) and technology
      • 计划主题并参与月度部门讨论 to be led by TLC Committee members and others
      • 与TLC主任合作,建立教师发展研讨会和演讲
      • 与教务处合作,分别举办新教师研讨会 fall semester
      • Administer the UQI budget and Snow Pedagogy Conference budget
      • Create and maintain a Faculty Development Calendar
      • 协助TLC主任和TLC委员会管理和发展“雪学院” Canvas Orientation” course
      • Mentor faculty to encourage the use of sound pedagogy and HIPs
      • Mentor and assist UQI candidates and sabbatical candidates when appropriate
      • 与IR总监一起分析Snow教学/学习经验的趋势和模式; Teaching and Learning Center Committee By-Laws
      • 及时了解AACU HIP实践,NEH实践,USHE趋势,各种教育学期刊, leading practices in core course instruction from other states, etc.
      • Set an example of continuous improvement in his/her own instructional program
      • 为想要改善教学和学生学习的教师提供资源
      • 尤其要尽可能地代表整个学院的最大利益 on committee votes and decisions
      • Promote appropriate use of educational technologies
      • Be connected to the wider faculty development community.


    1. Duties of the Committee Members

      Duties of the TLC Committee members include:

      • Attend monthly TLC Committee meetings during fall and spring semesters
        • Regular attendance to committee meetings is expected
        • 点名历史(由主席保存)通常由教务委员会或教务处要求 Advancement and Tenure Committee
        • When unable to attend, members should communicate with the committee chair; if meeting 出席变得不那么定期,临时(无投票权)或永久(由院长任命) or election) division replacement should be selected to attend
      • 审查本科质量倡议(UQI)申请和教学三角提案 to administer the UQI budget
      • 审查休假申请,并向教务处提供建议 Office
      • Generate productive ideas for on-campus faculty development:
        • Assist Faculty Development Director in planning monthly Lunch Bunch meetings
        • 计划并领导月度部门讨论
        • Assist TLC Director in planning TLC Faculty workshops
        • 帮助计划(和潜在的领导演讲)雪学院教学法和实践 Conference
      • 建议技术和程序变更(删除、添加和/或修改) to better serve staff and faculty
      • 在各部门内倡导教师发展和技术教学法
      • 为想要改善教学和学生学习的教师提供资源.


    1. Voting

      委员会的每位有表决权的成员对委员会提出的任何动议都有一票表决权 member. A motion passed by a simple majority of voting members (not just a majority of committee members present) will stand approved.


  1. Amendments

    Amendments to these by-laws may be adopted at any TLC Committee meeting. Proposals should be received by the committee chair as a written statement. The proposed changes shall be discussed and voted upon. An affirmative vote resulting in two-thirds of 有投票权的成员(不仅仅是出席的委员会成员)必须批准 the proposed changes. Approved amendments shall then be presented to the Faculty Senate as information items.

Last updated: 03/16/21
Approved: 03/18/21