
雪的大学 Housing Cancellation

居住生活 Cancellation Policy


Student may cancel the Agreement by submitting written notice of the cancellation 通过 Contract Cancellation Form located online and submitted to the Office of 居住生活 prior to checking out and paying the listed fees and charges. If seeking to cancel, Student must also arrange a checkout appointment with his/her Resident Assistant (RA), 24 hours in advance prior 搬出去. Failure to do so will result in an additional improper checkout fee of $150 and possible cleaning/repair fees. Student will be held responsible for fees, charges, and any remaining contractual financial obligations for the semester listed 在此.

Cancellation received prior to August 1 for Fall Only and 学年 housing contracts; December 1 for 春天 Only housing contracts; April 1 for Summer housing contracts will result in forfeiture of the $150 Deposit Fee and $50 application fee with no further housing charges.


Cancellation Rates will follow the below Cancellation Chart(s):
Fall Only Contract / 学年 Contracts (August-May)
Cancellation Date Canellation费 描述
Prior to August 1
(Prior to Occupancy)
$0 Forfeit Deposit Fee and Application Fee
August 2-Move-in Day
(Prior to Occupancy)
$200  Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee,  & pay 取消费用
After Occupancy up to Fall Midmester $500 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, & pay 取消费用
After Fall Midmester 100% of contract  Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, & pay total amount of contract
No Show 10 days after Move-in Day $500  Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, & pay 取消费用
学年 - Cancellation of 春天的部分 of contract prior to December 1 $150 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, & pay Cancellation fee (Short-term Contract 费)
学年 - Cancellation of 春天的部分 of contract December 2-春天 Move-in Day $200 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, & pay 取消费用
学年 - Cancellation of 春天的部分 of contract, After Occupancy up to 春天 Midmester $500 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, & pay 取消费用
学年 - Cancellation of 春天 部分 of contract, After 春天 Midmester 100%的合同 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, & pay total amount of contract


春天 Only Contract
Cancellation Date 取消费用 描述
Prior to December 1
(Prior to Occupancy)
$0 Forfeit Deposit Fee and Application Fee
December 2-Move-in Day
(Prior to Occupancy)
$200 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, pay 取消费用
After Occupancy up to 春天 Midmester $500 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, pay 取消费用
After 春天 Midmester 100% of Contract Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, pay total amount of contract
No Show 10 days after Move-in Day $500 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, pay 取消费用


Summer Contracts
Cancellation Date 取消费用 描述
Prior to April 1
(Prior to Occupancy)

Forfeit Deposit Fee and Application Fee

April 1-Move-in Day
(Prior to Occupancy)
$200 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, pay 取消费用
After Summer Move-In Day $200+ Prorated Daily Amount Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, pay 取消费用, + Prorated Amount
No Show 10 days after Move-in Day $500 Forfeit Deposit Fee, Application Fee, pay 取消费用



Commonly Asked Cancellation Questions: 

1. If I am in an 学年 Contract and plan to stay for only Fall semester what 我欠你多少钱?? 
-You would need to fill out a cancellation form prior to December 1st and your student account would be charged the $150 cancellation fee (short term contract fee) and you would forfeit your Deposit. You will want to schedule a checkout with your RA 24 hours prior to your departure to avoid further possible fees. 

2. Can the deposit fee cover part of my cancellation fee? 
-Unfortunately not. You forfeit your deposit and any non-refundable fees, any time you cancel your signed housing contract. 

3.  What if I never checked into my room?
-If you did not check into your room, you will want to cancel prior to midmester break by completing a Cancellation Form and submitted post marked prior to the midmester 日期. Your student account will be charged the $500 取消费用 and you will forfeit your deposit and any non-refundable fees. 

4. Can I appeal my cancellation fees?
-If you believe you have extenuating curcumstance, we welcome students to appeal through the Debt Appeal Committee via application within 30 days of your departure/checkout 日期. The debpt appeal application can be found 在这里

5. Can I defer my housing charges? 
-Unfortunately not, however, you can apply for either a Fall Only or 春天 Only contract for when you do decide to attend 雪的大学. Make sure you know when you want to attend and sign up for the contract that is best for you. Review the above cancelation charts for important contract cancelation 日期.